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ESN ready multi-function MIMO antenna – The ‘Sandcastle’ – Without TETRA

This low-profile multi-function MIMO antenna is affectionately known as the ‘Sandcastle’ and can support 11 functions.  The ‘Sandcastle’ can be supplied with varying combinations of functions and coax cable kits to suit the equipment it is being connected to. Please refer to the datasheets for more details.

4x Wideband LTE 2G 3G 4G 5G Elements Up to 11 functions in one antenna
Ultra Wide Bandwidth 700MHz – 6000Mhz Optional MiMo Dual Band WiFi/WiMAX
Low Profile Simple single hole installation


The ‘Sandcastle’- without TETRA is a multi-function antenna specifically designed for the ESN transition that can support up to 11 functions.

With 4x Ultra-Wideband antenna elements covering 700MHz to 6GHz, this antenna could future-proof your vehicle installation for years to come.

It has a minimum 4dBi gain across the band, making it an efficient option for all public safety applications and with a single hole fitting, the cost of installation is reduced whilst protecting the resale value of your vehicle.

The ‘Sandcastle’ can be supplied with varying combinations of functions to suit the equipment it is being connected to and a wide range of custom low loss coax extension cable kits can also be supplied. Please refer to the datasheets for more details. 

Product name Part number
'Sandcastle' 11 in 1 incl. 5m Coax Cables SK0200610 4x LTE 6x WiFi 1x GPS
'Sandcastle' 9 in 1 incl. 5m Coax Cables SK0200620 4x LTE 4x WiFi 1x GPS
'Sandcastle' 7 in 1 incl. 5m Coax Cables SK0200630 4x LTE 2x WiFi 1x GPS
'Sandcastle' 5 in 1 incl. 5m Coax Cables SK0200640 4x LTE 1x GPS
'Sandcastle' 4 in 1 incl. 5m Coax Cables SK0200650 4x LTE
The 'Sandcastle' Fitting Kits Various Part Numbers (see document) 'Sandcastle' Fitting Kits

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